Silver Needle in the Sky


Genre: Adventure , Family , Sci-fi

About: The moving picture Silver Needle in the Sky was first seen in the cinemas in 1954. Categorized as adventure, family and sci-fi. will take you a total of minutes of watch time. 123Movies provied links and subtitles where you can watch it in HD for free.

Plot: Rocky Jones and his crew transport a team of planetary diplomats to a United Worlds conference that is being held on space station X-07. The evil empress Cleolanta, upset at not being invited, decides to kidnap the diplomats in order to have leverage in exchange for a couple of high level Ophecian operatives that are prisoners on Earth. She sends in her chief military officer, Atlasande, to nab them while Rocky and the gang are refueling at a nearby planet. Rocky discovers the treachery and tries to negotiate a hostage exchange. He goes to Earth to pick up Delgato and Griff and manages to arrange the swap aboard the X-07 station. But he gets double crossed by the Ophecians. The Orbit Jet team and diplomats get locked inside the conference room with a 3-hour time lock and then have their oxygen supply cut off. Rocky recognizes their dwindling air supply. He uses Vena's lipstick tube as a screwdriver to remove the vent cover. Bobby then saves the day by crawling through a small air duct to restore oxygen flow and break open the outside lock. Read More